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Proper Contact Lens Measurements and Fitting

Many times in life, One-size-fits-all can be really great! It takes the stress out of finding the right fit and is often quick, easy and...

Sharp Vision & Healthy Eyes in Jacksonville

Ensuring crisp and clear vision is only one part of first-rate eye care. In addition to testing visual acuity, our eye doctors focus on the comprehensive and long-term health of your eyes and vision. Using the latest in optometric technology such as digital imaging, in our Jacksonville office, we will inspect your eyes thoroughly with a comprehensive eye and vision assessment.

Our optometric experts stay up to date with the rapid progress of medicine and technology, so you benefit from precise diagnoses and optimal treatments. Many common eye diseases, such as macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma, do not present symptoms until a late stage. For early detection and effective medical treatment of eye disease, visit our highly qualified and skilled eye doctors regularly for a comprehensive eye exam.

Ensuring crisp and clear vision is only one part of first-rate eye care. In addition to testing visual acuity, our eye doctors focus on the comprehensive and long-term health of your eyes and vision. Using the latest in optometric technology such as digital imaging, in our Jacksonville office, we will inspect your eyes thoroughly with a comprehensive eye and vision assessment.

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What Makes Paul Vision Care Unique?

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Our Unwavering Dedication

We have been in business for 6+ years and in that time we have prided ourselves in professional and individualized eye care in an endeavor to do good work.

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Taste the Freedom of Contact Lenses!

We offer all the top contact lens brands. Everything from all types of disposable lenses as well as GP lenses or multifocals so our patients have whatever meets their needs.

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We Offer Unique Services

From Myopia Control (for children whose vision gets worse every year), Amblyopia treatment (alternatives to patching), Contact Lens Fittings, and more.

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Doctors and Staff That Truly Care

We have a deep understanding of how the human eye really works, and knowledge of the diseases and conditions that affect vision at our finger tips - whether you're 5 or 65.

Q&A | What is Dry Eye Syndrome

How do I know if I have Dry Eye?

Dry eye can cause quite a few symptoms, anything from the eyes actually feeling dry to the eyes watering often, or having a burning, itchy, or irritated feeling. One of the most common symptoms is the eyes feeling gritty or like something is in your eye. Most people will often experience blurred vision since the tears, which comprise the outermost surface of the eye, are unstable.

Is there anything I can do to prevent DES?

Dry eye is multi-factorial, and each person’s dry eye is unique to them. To help prevent dry eye, make sure to consume 8 to 10 glasses of water per day to avoid dehydration. Some nutritional supplements, such as fish oil and flax seed oil, can contribute to a more stable tear layer.

Remember to blink regularly and take breaks often when on a computer, cell phone or when watching television. During times of the year when there is less humidity, a humidifier might be helpful to provide more moisture in the air.

More about Dry Eyes >

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Insurance Plans

  • Medicare
  • FL Medicaid
  • Sunshine State
  • Florida Blue
  • United Health Care
  • Aetna
  • Tricare
  • Wellcare
  • Etcetera

Hello Friends.

I am happy to announce my retirement effective May 29, 2021.  Starting June 14th, your records are being transferred to Dr. Chandra Williams at River City Vision Center located at 12961 North Main St. #203, Jacksonville, FL, 32218. 

Her phone number is (904)696-2027.  You will also still be able to call my phone number on your prescription cards and it will transfer to her office. 

Thank you for the privilege of being your eye doctor and getting to know you. 

All the best to you.Adele Paul, O.D.